Our Transition Coaching Services

Empowering you to Succeed

At Millennial DynamiXYZ, our coaching programs are designed to deliver high-impact results and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. We offer individualized coaching programs that support you in preparing for times of transition, refining leadership skills, confronting challenges head-on and developing a personal success plan to achieve your goals. Through our transition coaching, individuals move from building awareness to strategically taking action, and focusing on what they can personally do to facilitate the outcomes they seek.

While each coaching engagement is tailored to the client’s unique situation, our methodology is anchored in adult transformational learning and behavior theory, transition theory, active learning, and guided practice. We partner with our clients to identify a leadership coaching plan that is outcomes focused and measurable. Our customized coaching solutions can target distinct situations, vary in length, and offer scalable solutions for educators at various levels.

Let us help you master the skills, behaviors and competencies that are required to successfully navigate the complex, ever-changing workforce challenges of today and the future.

Coaching Plans

Each client receives an individualized coaching plan designed to assist the in reaching their unique goals. The base package starts at $50 and increases with each additional service. The following are service options available.

  • Three hour asynchronous transition course

  • Administration of the DynamiXYZ Client Assessment

  • Client profile analysis

  • Coaching session(s)

Interested in Partnering or Have Questions?

If you are interested in discussing our coaching sessions or would like to become a client, complete the form below. We look forward to connecting with you soon!